Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Experience Giving Tests and Quizzes

I used to give paper tests, but seeing how I have an available computer lab I have used a variety of computer technology to administer my quizzes and tests. The first type of computer exam I used was a paper test, but the students entered their answers in to a spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel. It was a lot easier to grade seeing how all the answers were on one page, and were right next to each other, but I did have issues with some of the questions. I tried to make this test into a self grading test, but it didn't work too well. The second type of quiz I used with the help of a computer was just a Microsoft Office Document that included combo boxes where the students could select their answer. Each box would included around four answers students could choose from. There were only 15 questions on these quizzes and the students had to print them out when they were finished and hand them in. I would then grade them by hand or give them to an aide to grade them. Not quite as laborious as paper tests seeing how I didn't have to pre-print the entire tests and staple them together before I gave the test, but it still involved repetitive and time consuming work. Then I gave online quizzes using Google forms, and when their answers were uploaded to my Google spreadsheet I would past them in an excel document that I had prepared to automatically grade them. It work great, and was much faster then the other quizzes and tests, but didn't give the students any feedback about which answers they missed. I have finally found the program I like the most. Exam View it is an e-instructional program that my students can access at the school and take, retake, quizzes and tests depending on how you set them up. It automatically grades them and gives them feedback about their answers. It's been great.

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried That is a Utah Office of Education sponsored testing site. That is all I have used since I began teaching. I love it. Not only can student see their test results right away, but it also grades the test instantly for you. The best part, in my opinion, is it also has a reports section that allows you to analyze the data. I can see what percent of students got on any question I asked both from a class or all the students as a whole. I would really recommend you give it a try.
